
Why I Avoid Romance Novels–Christian or Otherwise. Warning: Bookish Rant Ahead

Welcome, readers, to another one of my bookish rants. Today we’re talking about romance! *gags like the mature adult that I am*

Now, before we start… I don’t dislike romance in its most general sense. In fact, I’m a hardcore shipper and love having a couple to root for. BUT, I refuse to let it be the main theme of anything I read or write. Why? Here’s where the ranting shall commence! *a magnificent gong sounds*

I have yet to find a relationship that I haven’t predicted, (actually, there’s one. Brandon Sanderson, you are a truly a writing genius) and so for me, an extremely practical and logical reader, that doesn’t make sense. Why use the same of tropes when you can have the fun of coming up with something new entirely? Or, my personal favorite, make it look like you know what’s going to happen, and then do a 180. For instance, making the love interest actually die from all the crazy and traumatic ordeals the hero puts them through.

It still confounds me how people can freak out over couples that we all KNOW were going to end up together from page one. It’s literally in the blurb, peeps *facepalms*

Then again, maybe I’m just not romantic enough of a person to choose to not see the flaws in this approach. That’s entirely possible.

Another reason I avoid it is because sexual content is one of the things I tolerate very little of. Violence doesn’t phase me and I can ignore some language, but for me personally, it’s really difficult to read a book with any sexual content in it (Please note that I’m not condoning gratuitous violence or cursing–I just personally have a higher tolerance for it). Unfortunately, even in the genres I do love, sex is a prevalent theme. To allow romance (which often leads to these sorts of scenes) to be a main theme would really just make me uncomfortable. I have very little desire to read about people making out *shrugs*

Call me cynical, but I also just don’t see the point in romance? In literature, it’s over-glorified and made out to be simpler than it actually is. It often gives an unrealistic view of what love is to impressionable teens. Yes, this even extends to Christian romance. Not everyone will find someone in their life, and that person might not always be as perfect as people like to make them out to be in books. Love takes work. Trust takes time. Finding someone to love and trust is difficult.

To those of you who love a good romance novel, good for you! Not trying to bash you guys in the slightest. I’m just too practical, too cynical, and too in love with my emotionally challenging and gripping novels that feature other sorts of relationships to find a fluffy romance enjoyable. It’s just not my cup of tea. But, if you are a romance lover and you’re looking for something new to read… here are a few that I’ve read.

Live Without You by Sarah Grace Gryz is a heartfelt, Christian romance. It’s short, sweet, and for those of you who enjoy Hallmark-esque storylines, this will probably be right up your alley! (it’s one of the few romances I’ve rated well, so definitely take a chance to look it up!)

Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone is a book focused on mental illness, but with a super sweet romance as well. I’d recommend checking it out. (look at my review on Goodreads for content warnings)

Okay, that’s it. I seriously don’t read romance novels XD. But I do recommend these two! This blog post was mostly written because I’m bored and angry with the concept of love in general, so if you read this far, congrats! You win a virtual cookie ๐Ÿ˜‰

10 thoughts on “Why I Avoid Romance Novels–Christian or Otherwise. Warning: Bookish Rant Ahead

  1. I couldn’t agree more!
    Romance as a genre, or chicklit for that matter, leads to stories that are often not well-done or portray unrealistic/toxic portrayals of couples. (However, romance isn’t my favorite even when it’s not the main selling point of a story.)
    As a result, I try to avoid it, even having it as a subplot, in the stories I write, and when I do end up writing it, avoid making it the main premise of the story or use it as a plot device.

    That being said-I have read quite a few good romance novels and have decided to give it a go at the romance genre myself, at least once, as part of the challenge to write stories in various genres/multi-genre.

    Thanks for the post. It seemed very sound to me.

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  2. Excellent points, Oceane! Honestly, I don’t read much romance for those exact reasons, especially the sexual content. (also, what was the Sanderson relationship that surprised you? :D)

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  3. All very good points! I agree with them, actually, even though I read some romance books anyway! You know how I love fairytale retellings, and it’s very hard to find good ones that aren’t romances ๐Ÿ˜‚ There are a multitude of problems I find with romances every time, and more often than not I’ll just give up instead of keep reading, but there are some authors that I wholeheartedly trust with my time. ๐Ÿ˜

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    1. 100% agreed! Iโ€™m a little more lenient with fairytales (since so many already have romance) but I kind of want to write a retelling now with the romantic relationship switched with a platonic one… ๐Ÿค” and then everyone assumes it will end with them together, but theyโ€™re really just friends ๐Ÿ˜‚ *now considers this story idea seriously*

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